Here on the North Shore the arrival of sping is always a special monments with all the snow bunting arriving in huge numbers.
In the old days the snow bunting were a special bird giving nurishment to the needed families of the secluded North Shore region. People use to trap the birds for food in stews.
Snow Bunting
Plectrophenax nivalis
This circumpolar bird, often called the "Snowflake," breeds further north than almost any other land bird. In severe winters large flocks descend to our northern states, where they favor the most barren places. They occasionally can be found at beach parking lots in the dead of winter searching for weed seeds.
description 6-7 1/4" (15-18 cm). Sparrow-sized. Breeding male has black back with much white on head, underparts, wings, and tail. Female similar, but duller. Winter birds have brown on crown and upperparts, have duller underparts, but still show much white in wings.

Nice posting. We don't see these birds every year.
Sorry it will be in french;
Nous sommes dans la période de l'année ou nous arrive ces beaux ambassadeur du printemps, généralement ils nous arrivent en grande quantité dans la semaine précédent Pacques et ce à chaque année.
Je me sousviens dans ma jeunesse avoir chasser ces oiseaux pour en consommer, ils étaient la première viande rouge disponible sur la Côte Nord, même si aujourd'hui nombre de mes amis ne l'admêtes pas.
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