Monday, March 29, 2010

Very important petition on the future of Wild Salmon

I received this important email from my dear friend Paul C Marriner this morning asking me to pass along this pettition. Thanks PAul to letting us know what's going on with the Aquaculture farm and the damage they cause to our fishery.

Hello Friends of Wild Salmon:

Aquaculture is doing great damage to wild salmon stocks on both coasts of Canada.  Please sign the petition at  It is a BC initiative but applies equally to the Atlantic -  just look at the loss of our Inner Bay of Fundy salmon.

Every person who cares about wild salmon needs to stand up and becomes visible to Ottawa. This is not about getting rid of aquaculture; this is about bringing the fish farming companies into compliance with the laws every other fishery in Canada respects.

Salmon farms were exempted from the fishing regulations of Canada in 1993 and the companies, many of them from Norway where great damage has already been inflicted on the wild fish, are lobbying our Members of Parliament to continue these exemptions when they become federally regulated in December. If they succeed we can give up; they will once again be outside the law.  For more information see

 We cannot possibly manage Canada’s wild fish sustainably, if one group is allowed unlimited by-catch of wild herring, wild salmon, cod and other species in their nets.  We cannot have one set of rules that says no fishing with bright lights and then allow fish farms on every major migration route to use these lights, attracting thousands of wild fish to their farms.  Highly mechanized fish farms will never replace the wild salmon jobs in fishing and tourism.

Thank you!

Jocelin LeBlanc & Sonie Poulin

Monday, March 15, 2010

RIVIERE VERTE NYMPHE FOR TROUT Deep In Backing Free Fly Tying Video Tutorials

Deep In Backing Free Fly Tying Video Tutorials



In this section you will find the RIVIÈRE VERTE a fly patterns used by our Deep In Backing (DIB) staff for trout.

Dans cette section vous trouverez les mouches populaire que le personnel de Deep In Backing (DIB) utilise lors de leur sortie

March 15 2010 New Free Fly Tying Video

15 Mars 2010 Nouveau Vidéo Montage Gratuits

The Riviere Verte is a cross between a Muddler minnow and a hares ear nymph. It was first tied for a river that flows in Northern New Brunswick. This river is and important tributary of the Saint John river and it hold brook trout of impressive size. This fly was conceive in the early 90 when Jocelin noticed that trout would refuse muddler minnows and when the fly got old and all chewed up trout would take the fly readily . So that night he conceived the original fly. Since then it has proven itself all throughout Eastern Canada. It has caught many trout in the 5 to 7 pounds range and many atlantic salmon on the North Shore

La Rivière Verte est un mélange d'une muddler minnow et la nymphe hares ear, cette mouche fut conçue pour capturer la truite moucheté dans une rivière au Nord du Nouveau Brunswick, cette rivière est un tributaire important du fleuve Saint Jean qui contiens des truite mouchetées de belle taille. Cette mouche fut conçue par Jocelin LeBlanc dans le début des années 90, il adapta ce patron pour satisfaire les habitudes des truite mouchetées de refuser des muddler neuve et de préféré des muddler plus amocher. Depuis cette mouche a sus capturer déforme quantité de truite moucheté partout dans l'est du Canada et a réussis a leurrer plusieurs truite de belle taille et plusieurs saumon atlantiques sur la Côte Nord (Québec).

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Jocelin & Sonie

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Free Deep In Backing Fly Tying Video (Tutorial) Sparkle Whore Streamer

Deep In Backing Free Fly Tying Video Tutorials
Deep In Backing Vidéo Montages Gratuits
 March 10 2010 New Free Fly Tying Video

10 mars 2010 Nouveau Vidéo Montages Gratuits

Sparkle Whore Streamer

Streamer Sparkle Whore

In this video you will find the Sparkle Whore a Jocelin LeBlanc original pattern, a fly inspired from the Sparkled Smelt and Montreal Whore,the Sparkled Whore has a pearl crystal chenille body while the Montreal Whore has a orange yarn body. The 2 flies married together creates the Sparkle Whore

I have caught more sea run brook trout and brook trout on this fly than any other fly put together

Dans ce vidéo montage vous allez trouver la Sparkle Whore original de Jocelin LeBlanc, cette mouche est concu a partir de deux streamer différent soit la Sparkled Smelt et la Montréal Whore, la sprkled smelt a le corps faite de cristal chenille perler et la Montréal Whore est concu avec de la laine orange.

J'ai capturé plus de truite de mer anadrome avec cette mouche que n'importe qu'elle autre mouche

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